Every woman wants her jewelry to sparkle on her wedding day, and more and more that shimmer and sparkle is making its way into decor themes for the modern bride. A wide variety of floral gems are available to florists to match bouquets to a gown's embroidery and make them shine like a diamond engagement ring. Gems shaped like butterflies, flowers, and hearts personalize while they beautify.

Sometimes, less is more, and the perfectly placed gem can bring a whole new element.
We love to display a signature fabric with customized "lampshade" inspired pieces. The pairing of illuminated crystals with the colors and textures of fabrics and feathers is a lot of fun! These lamps work well for cocktails and reception dinners.

By request, we even created a functioning Princess table for a clean 'modern chic' take on dining. Pink crystals and votive holders splashed color throughout a 20-foot tall manzanita tree. A hanging crystal chandelier with flowers and votives made the ultimate cake topper, while lighting this gorgeous cake from above.

Bling comes in black too! Strands of onyx crystals add drama to this huge 'jellyfish' inspired novelty piece constructed for a vendor show (it also rotated on a motor, just in case someone wasn't paying enough attention). Our winter holiday window display was far from traditional - totally over-the-top with bling surrounding a pair of chic mannequins, sporting red feather boas and hats.

As designers, we extend the concept of bling way beyond gems to anything refective, transparent, or brilliantly colored. This plexiglass roofed structure was built to shine while magically supporting flowers overhead (notice the ceiling architecture captured in the pane).

Shiny silver metal design wire adds bling to a bouquet of colorful callas - serving as a backdrop for the bridal jewelry. Mirrored surfaces are definitely a bling factor, at a relatively low price too. A large lounge arrangement takes on a totally glam feel when put in a mirrored vase and placed on a mirrored box.

Shiny silver metal design wire adds bling to a bouquet of colorful callas - serving as a backdrop for the bridal jewelry. Mirrored surfaces are definitely a bling factor, at a relatively low price too. A large lounge arrangement takes on a totally glam feel when put in a mirrored vase and placed on a mirrored box.
Gold chargers and gold branches work just as well as, if not better than, silver to convey luxury.